The student startup trip bringstogether a group of high potentialstudents in a world-class startup hub somewhere on the globe. Here theywillbeinspiredtopursuetheirentrepreneurialdreams, soak up thevibe of thecity, learnfromthewholeexperienceandbringit home withthem.
They are daredto take theplungeand discover thewholeecosystem: startups, innovative companies, incubators, accelerators, investors, entrepreneurs, etc. We want togivethemthe opportunity tolearnfrombothsuccessesand mistakesand spot trends across different industriesandcontinents.
We have bundled the most frequently asked questions for you.
The registrations are closed. The live stream link is shared to all participants by email. Make sure to check your spam folder. If you didn’t receive anything please contact
We hope to see you all at 20:00h.
The registrations are officially open for the kick-off event. The event will take place online at 20:00h. More details will be shared by email.
Sadly the applications are closed at this moment in time. Feel free to leave your email so we can remind you when the applications open for the next edition of the Student Startup Trip.